Draw Distance
Poland | Krakow
Founded 2009
50 Employees + Freelancers
#10 – Draw Distance – Serial Cleaners – Jacek Głowacki and Krzysztof Szczudłowski – Poland – openindie – An indie dev Podcast
I ain´t cleaning that up! But we know some guys who will… for a price. Jacek Głowacki and Krzysztof Szczudłowski from the polish studio Draw Distance talk to Sarah about their upcoming game Serial Cleaners. They share lessons learned from their first game in the series Serial Cleaner (singular), how the story and gameplay mechanics will be expanded in the sequel and the transition of their studio from mobile games to Console and PC.As always have fun listening to this new episode of openindie 🙂 Also, if you want to find more info's about this game and our previous guests, visit us at www.openindie.eu.